Moving up and out!

From the steady gates of education to the new adventures beyond. Many people after university take a while to find a path they are happy with, some are fortunate and manage to find it straight after. However, like me some struggle in a job they’re not passionate about. I went from 2 internships to a […]

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Netflix Watch List

Ever sat staring at Netflix and really not knowing what to watch? It happens all the time for me and I genuinely have watched so many strange things that I wouldn’t have even thought of watching before, so I thought I’d put a few into a post for you to consider. Firstly for me, To […]

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Sharp Objects; Review

  I’ll be honest, I started writing this about two weeks ago when this series hadn’t finished, I stopped writing it because I couldn’t quite put into words what I thought about it. After watching the finale, I can safely say, I have a LOT more to say about this than I once did. It’s […]

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Incredibles 2 – Review

After a long fourteen year wait, The Parr family have finally returned to our big screen in the long awaited sequel; Incredibles 2 which sees our favourite crime fighting family don the red suits once more. Many people (including myself) were worried that the film wouldn’t be able to live up to the hype after such a […]

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In your 20’s

So I am 21 so not far into my 20’s but it is a very confusing time. In your 20’s there aren’t any stages for example at a certain age you are able to buy alcohol or buy a scratch card etc. There are the expectations of going to and completing school for example. There […]

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