Englishman in South Korea – Part 2

Boy oh boy, do I have a lot to talk about this week (and having written it all now – it’s a lot so buckle up). These are written and then posted the week after I write them so forgive the confusing days coming up. On Thursday (that’ll be the Thursday before Part 1 came […]

Read More Englishman in South Korea – Part 2

Terrible tasty treats

Ready for Halloween….getting ready for a night out or fancy a quiet night in, well then read on for my tempting Halloween treats. We can let the inner child out for one year, with costumes, fake blood and guts. Strap in for a spooky filled stomach. SAVOURY  Halloween Jalapeño Poppers; – If you don’t like spicy […]

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From Screen To Kitchen

Recap; So if you read my ‘Bringing Disney To You’ you will get the format I am going for and ‘The Plan’. In two weeks I plan to bring back and complete the Disney Kitchen Series and then I will start creating my favorite recipes for my new Geek Kitchen series. So let’s give you […]

Read More From Screen To Kitchen

5 best ways to enjoy avocado

  With avocado very much in food fashion right now, I thought I’d give a list of the yummiest ways to add it into your diet. We’re always told to stay away from fatty foods and stick to ‘good’ natural fats- and avocado is one of the best! Eating natural fats ensures a balanced diet […]

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GBBO; Is new always better?

Bake Off is a much-loved treasure amongst most Brits. For some it’s a guilty pleasure which we keep a secret whilst we day dream about having those cakes for ourselves, for others, it’s a much-loved joy watched/ recorded and met with angst as to who will win this year! It’s no hidden fact that last […]

Read More GBBO; Is new always better?

My Disneyland Kitchen; Attempt 1

We’ve all laughed at the Pinterest before and after posts, some questioning how could a mutation that bad happen. Well, prepare to laugh again as I take you through what happened when I baked my version of Disneyland Breakfast pizza as promised for a family dinner (every evening I cook for my mum and brother, […]

Read More My Disneyland Kitchen; Attempt 1

Bringing Disney To You

Disney is a magical place and the smells from the food are pumped all around the Disney parks, especially Main Street. So it can be hard to resist. If you are anything like me and my other half, we always plan our dream vacation… mostly based on the food, by watching Disney food videos on YouTube. […]

Read More Bringing Disney To You

Chocolate is a good friend

Chocolate has many benefits aside from it’s wonderful taste, particularly dark chocolate! Be happy! Dark chocolate boots production of endorphins leaving you to ‘feel-good’. Therefore, when consuming it you are making yourself feel happier! This means you will have an uplifted mood, you will feel more motivated, more relaxed and just feel good in general! […]

Read More Chocolate is a good friend

Vegan coconut curry

I’m not a vegan. I don’t eat meat, but I do still eat cheese and eggs. But I do try to cook vegan as much as I can. I’ve tried a lot of those recipes, some worked out better than others. Coconut curry was one of those things I’ve seen passing by a lot, but […]

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8 Reasons Why I Love Coffee

My love for coffee extends back years, from the first moment I sipped it I knew that it is my saviour for the days I will be wanting to rip my hair out. So, for the next few moments I will bore you with a list of reasons why coffee is life for me, alongside […]

Read More 8 Reasons Why I Love Coffee