Moving up and out!

From the steady gates of education to the new adventures beyond. Many people after university take a while to find a path they are happy with, some are fortunate and manage to find it straight after. However, like me some struggle in a job they’re not passionate about. I went from 2 internships to a […]

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Why I built a bucket list!

I’ve been a little future thinking crazy at the moment, I’ve handed in my final piece of uni work, my driving test is booked and I’m working my arse off to make me some dollar. But it got me thinking, what do I really want to achieve in life? Career, yes. Family, yes. To be […]

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Long Distance Valentine’s Ideas

Long distance is one of the harder relationships, but worth it if you both put the effort in by talking and spending time together. Unfortunately it happens and sometimes dates will clash which will mean you can’t both spend this holiday together in person, but there are other ways around this that make you feel […]

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Forever In Our Hearts ❤

I wanted to dedicate this post to awareness of those we may have lost throughout the years. Two years ago I lost both my Nan and Granddad in the space of two months as well as a few other close friends of mine. It was a tough year for my mother more than anyone, who […]

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