Why Pets Are So Important

It’s become a well known fact that ownership of a pet is incredibly beneficial to our mental health. There are so many scientific studies that have proven animals produce calming effects on humans and pet therapy has become an absolute craze! But what exactly is it that makes our pets so great for our mood? […]

Read More Why Pets Are So Important

Keeping Your Pets Safe This Christmas

Christmas: the most wonderful time of the year — Am I right? Let’s keep it that way. Here are my top tips to keep your pet safe this Christmas! Decorations and Candles Source: vettimes.co.uk/cat-proofing-the-christmas-tree/ As gorgeous and wonderful decorations are around your home at Christmas time, they can be anything but lovely if found in […]

Read More Keeping Your Pets Safe This Christmas

Common Bun Misconceptions

In my previous post, I touched on the topic of a few misconceptions about rabbits and why they don’t make good outdoor pets. Today I’m hoping to touch on a few more misconceptions about bunnies so that you can make an informed decision when considering one for a family pet! Misconception: Rabbits do not need […]

Read More Common Bun Misconceptions

Aggressive or Untrained?

Dogs such as Pit Bulls and Rottweilers are clouded by their history of being used for violence in dog fighting rings and gangs. I’ve visited many shelters while volunteering with a dog rescue charity, and roughly 70% of dogs who live there are Pit Bull mixes who end up being euthanized.

Read More Aggressive or Untrained?

Should You Adopt or Shop?

There are many charities and activists who will tell you “Adopt Don’t Shop!” when it comes to getting a pet. Often people get understandably put off when people get up in your face, or even make you feel guilty for buying a pet from a breeder! After spending months in America helping out the charity […]

Read More Should You Adopt or Shop?

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp!

Nintendo have done it again and have announced a new mobile game from the Nintendo range of IP and this time, it’s Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing Pocket Camp is a mobile Animal Crossing game in which you are the owner of a camp site and it’s your job to fill the camp site with cool […]

Read More Animal Crossing Pocket Camp!