The World’s Smallest Disco – LUSH Bath Bomb Review

Alrighty, so I had a massive lush haul and thought I’d try out a few of their Christmas bathbombs, because if you know me, baths and Christmas are two of my very favourite things, so when they’re blended together, it’s normally a win win situation. This week I thought I’d try out The Worlds Smallest […]

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LUSH – Holey Night Bath Bomb

It’s been a fair amount of time since I even used a new bath bomb, let alone wrote about it! So, with that all important Christmas period returning soon, there’s no time like the present to get back into the swing of things and review a few of those Christmas gems, just in time for […]

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Netflix Watch List

Ever sat staring at Netflix and really not knowing what to watch? It happens all the time for me and I genuinely have watched so many strange things that I wouldn’t have even thought of watching before, so I thought I’d put a few into a post for you to consider. Firstly for me, To […]

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Sharp Objects; Review

  I’ll be honest, I started writing this about two weeks ago when this series hadn’t finished, I stopped writing it because I couldn’t quite put into words what I thought about it. After watching the finale, I can safely say, I have a LOT more to say about this than I once did. It’s […]

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LUSH: Modfather Bubble Bar

I’m a little later than intended with this one as it’s actually a Father’s Day edition! But it’s still deffo something you can use all year! I’m actually a little apprehensive when it comes to bubble bars, I have a tendency to just throw them in and that’s bad habit from years of bathbomb usage! […]

Read More LUSH: Modfather Bubble Bar

SpaBurst – Nutella Bathbomb

Anyone that knows me, knows there’s two very easy and quick ways to my heart, Kinder Bueno filling and Nutella. So when I saw this beauty of a bathbomb, I just had to have one! Okay, yes it smells chocolately, with a few hints of a nutty base, but whether or not I’d describe it […]

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LUSH: Intergalactic

As far as LUSH bathbombs go, you don’t really get much better than this one. Okay so picture this, I’m back in Swansea lush, looking around for something new that catches my eye, yes Modfather bubble bar I’m looking at you, and one of my all time faves is there, staring me down until I […]

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LUSH: Avobath

It’s been a fair while really since I’ve been able to have a bath, and although I still have a healing tattoo, I couldn’t resist going into LUSH and getting some treats to use whilst I was in Swansea! As always the ever so helpful staff in there convinced me into buying way, WAY, more […]

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Why I built a bucket list!

I’ve been a little future thinking crazy at the moment, I’ve handed in my final piece of uni work, my driving test is booked and I’m working my arse off to make me some dollar. But it got me thinking, what do I really want to achieve in life? Career, yes. Family, yes. To be […]

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